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She wanted to walk away but then..

As we approach the holiday season It seems like people become more crazy more disassociated. Traffic is heavier, shopping is more lines.

I'm personally finding more congestion and shortened patience. The season sometimes loses its flavor. Families are scrambling to make plans, buy that perfect gift.

Pressure. Too much pressure. My best and dearest memories of the Holidays are my childrens faces, their excitement and anticipation. Taking them to look at lights, listening to music, decorating and being available. Being present in the moment is the best Christmas present that anyone could ever ask for because the memories that you make or the things that you hold onto for the rest of your life, for all of your life. It is not the gifts, not even the food. And let me assure you Italian people make a lot of food.

When I was growing up in New Jersey my best memories are waking up opening my gifts, but more importantly, spending that time with my parents, grandparents, my uncle and my great grandmother and of course my German Shepherd.

I fondly remember the Christmas music the fireplace what the house felt like when it smelled like all the decorations and I remember being with my friends. I remember the feeling of Christmas.

Christmas felt like love, Christmas feels like family, Christmas feels warm and yes, fuzzy.

It is not things nor items or possessions that we remember it is the feeling of being with those that we care for. The people that we love and those that we always hold in our hearts. I often wonder if my children ever remember some of the Christmases that we've shared before.

I always wanted to make my childrens memories very special and their memories were not made because of gifts, many times Christmas was a hardship, a very financial hardship and even now it can be. It's taxing and costly - if you let it be.

Christmas is not about gifts is about family it is about friendships it is about peace and love and joy but it's not just about Christmas it's about all year long. Why then do we push it? Why do we put ourselves in these circumstances where we may feel we must reach the finish line by getting "things".

My daughter keeps asking me what I want for Christmas and I keep telling her I just need some really good dirt to garden when it's time. Who asks for dirt? Well, I do. I need it to amend my soil to grow what I want.

Id ask for world peace, Id ask for everybody to be nice I'd ask for things to be different and for people to forgive one another and start paying attention to what's going on in the world so that we can stop the insanity and come together under one umbrella. I just had this discussion with a private client she had wanted to walk away from her situation but she could not after I asked her what was it that she wanted for the holiday season and for her life and her answer was just as good as mine, the above.

When you're out there in traffic when you're rushing to get to work like I often do and when you're thinking about what you can buy, get, make or do; when it comes to the holidays stop and think about the memories that you can make so you can hold those and keep them with you for the rest of your life. Those are gifts that you get to yourself and gifts that you share with the people that you care about. Give of your time give up yourself. Donate even if it's a dollar you can help somebody else. That is what the holidays and every day is about and that is a message that I would like to share with all of you. Your thoughts?

Much love,


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