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Half hour gift card

Half hour gift card


Half hour gift card reading

  • Half hour gift card

    Gift cards are a great way to send someone something that’s personal and special for any occasion whether that be a holiday or birthday or just because.

    They can be delivered via electronically or sent out with the card to the actual address via the post office all you have to do is specify which you would prefer the occasion and whether it be online or post office you can choose what you’d like to have said and a special gift card will be delivered that special someone. 

  • Sessions and classes

    Sessions are allocated time slots that when purchased are devoted to that time specifically for you. Please be prompt and take notes. It's also best to have questions ready. Psychic or Mediumship reads fall under the same category. When purchasing please be specific as to what type of session you are seeking. Email readings are delivered within 48 hours or less. Astrological and Numerological Email reads are very detailed and have several pages to present. They are incredibly detailed and filled with information that will guide you.


    Classes are listed as is. These are 4 week classes that can be done remotely with a wealth of information that is given to you in box- Michelle will connect with you several times each week via email and phone to assist and practice with you. Unless you are scheduled for in person group classes, you will have one on one attention.

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