Mon: Booked All sessions) Most Mondays are booked but please e mail for sessions as they became open sporadically and everything is done to fit you right in ASAP
Tue 6-10 pm EDT
Wed 7:30 am, 9 am, Noon
Thur: 9am, 5:30 pm - 7- 9 pm
Fri. Booked
Sat: 8am - 1 pm ( All sessions)
Sunday Please e mail to book
Any questions just e mail
Classes are starting the second week of the month of September- intuitive classes are available with a 4 week line up.
On line and e mail as well as zoom, Facebook and one on one weekly meetings starting September 3rd for 4 weeks
Please sign up and not miss these opportunities. 3 openings are available as of now.